The stunning candor of George W. Bush’s new paintings
establishes his reputation as a 21st-Century Goya,
capable of uncovering the humanity in monsters.
Bush has said that he came to painting
too late to save the hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars
he wasted on military adventurism in the Middle East,
but not too late to save himself.
July 1 2022
This wasn't SNL on a Thursday night.
This was Wyoming's Republican primary debate.
California Gallery Moving ‘MAGA Hate’ Exhibit To More Secure Site Following Threats
works by Maryland-based artist Kate Kretz,
Hey, Silent, I never knew that the North Carolina senator who famously called for changing "freedom" for "french" fries in the vernacular, over France's non-support, came to despise the duplicity of Bush/Cheney and the Iraqi War. He personally contacted every parent of a soldier who died there, and apologized. A principled man.
Yes, in your dreams, dear Silent Lotus, George Bush apologized for the calamitous loss of life caused by his stupidity and lies... I don't think people like Bush really want justice. No, they want us to forgive them. While that's a very Christ-like attitude, why should we make it easier for him to sleep at night?